Thursday, July 2, 2015

Cure for ToeNail Fungus

Cure for ToeNail Fungus

Friday, November 23, 2012

Do You Know Toenail Fungus Natural Remedies and Treatments?

Usually nail fungus is caused by very small, tiny organisms which infect the toenails and the fingernails. Worldwide it is very famous and it is also known as Onychomycosis. It occurs below the toenails or fingernails. At times it takes a lot of time to cure fully. The growth of the toenail fungus accelerates in dark, warm and moist area. So the person who wear constantly shoes also in the warmer climate suffers from toe nail fungus infections.
Most of the common cause of toenail fungus infections -
1. Risk of toe nail fungus infection increases when for a long or extended period your feet remain damp.
2. It is necessary to dry the shoes after a short interval as wearing the same shoes daily without drying it may result into the toenail fungus infection.
3. If you are having a break in your nail then there is a possibility of the toenail fungus infection to occur.
4. Weak toenails which is the result of wearing tight- fitting shoes.
5. When any person cut their toenails extremely close to the skin it results into multiple small cuts in the skin. Due to these cuts the possibilities of toenail fungus infection increases.
Some of the most important signs which indicate toenail fungus -
1. Toenail becomes brittle.
2. Due to fungal infection a person while walking feels a stinging pain in the skin under their toenails.
3. Toenails become flaky.
4. There is a presence of black, yellow and brown tinge or spots over the toenails.
5. While wearing shoes there is a feeling of pain or thickness in the toenails.
6. A feeling of bad smell under the toenails.
7. Toenails gradually keep getting chipped.
Some of the natural treatments are available which will help in treating the toenails.
A mouth wash Listerine is very effective in the treatment of toenails. Soak your toenails in the mouthwash for about 20 minutes at least twice a day. Then wipe your toenails and toes with a dry towel. The antiseptic effect of the mouth wash will help the toenails to eradicate the fungus.
The oil of the tea tree is having the properties of fungicide and antiseptic. You can rub the affected toenail with a cotton ball which is dipped in the tea tree oil. Practice this solution at least twice a day in the morning and in the night just before going to bed.
You can also soak your affected toenails into alcohol for 20 minutes and also rub it. Dry your toe nails or toes by using super absorbent paper towels.

Find more useful Nail Fungus Remedies. Read Safed Musli Benefits in improving overall health.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Toenail Fungus - Do You Have It?

What is toenail fungus and fingernail fungus?

Onychomycosis is the medical word that almost all Americans call toenail fungus. Toenail fungus is a living thing that feeds off the keratin that is found in your fingernails and toenails. It is generally brown or yellow in color. Your nails are made to be difficult to penetrate naturally so diseases, fungus and other infections can not enter your body through your toes and fingers. This is fine in the majority of cases, but somewhat works against you in the case of nail fungus. While the nail holds things out, it also holds things in once they penetrate. This is the case with toenail fungus. It is tough to eliminate after it penetrates the natural barrier of your nail.

How common is nail fungus?

Close to 10% of the population of the world is infected with nail fungus.

What are the symptoms?

Toenail fungus is easy to detect because the signs are obvious to even the untrained eye. The appearance of the nails is a give-away. Discoloration, generally yellow or brown and sometimes green, is a common indication of toenail fungus. The nail may appear thick and be flaky. It will appear as if something is building up under the nail. There is probably going to be smell associated with toenail fungus as well. Usually, there is no pain present with nail fungus but in some instances, it can get painful to wear shoes and it might even be difficult to walk. It depends upon the severity of the infection and how it is being treated.

How do I treat toenail fungus?

There are a number of treatment options if you have nail fungus. If you see a Dr., he/she is probably going to prescribe a medication where you will need a prescription. The highly severe cases of nail fungus almost always require a prescription medication. Drugs taken internally are capable of treating nail fungus from inside your body because they are circulated throughout your body. Over the counter treatments generally are topical. Topical oils and creams are not near as effective because of the barrier of your nail protecting the nail bed. The creams and oils are acidic and create a hostile environment for the fungus that kills it. Home remedies include acid based substances and soaking your nails in vinegar. The majority of home remedies do not work well. You certainly should not be soaking your fingernails in any substance that is harmful to you. Remember, chemicals penetrate the skin when you soak your feet and you could receive harmful doses of a chemical if you attempt a radical home remedy.

Can nail fungus be prevented?

Nail fungus can be prevented in a couple of ways. The easiest way is to keep your feet and hands dry after taking a shower, swimming pool, or doing other activities getting your feet or hands wet. Similar to all living things, toenail fungus needs moisture to thrive. If you are exercising often or engaging in activity where your feet perspire to a great extent, be sure to wear moisture wicking socks and change them often.

Another critical step is basic nail care. Nails should be trimmed but not too short exposing the nail bed. Small abrasions to the skin around your nail can provide the passage way to your nail bed and organisms including fungas can take root. To prevent toenail fungal infections, keep your feet as clean and dry as possible all the time. Be cautious of sharing nail clippers. If you go to nail salons, be sure the tools they use are cleaned after every use. It is quite easy to be exposed to nail fungus from nail clippers and nail salons must follow specific protocol for cleaning their equipment.

If you suspect that you have a toenail fungus infection, you probably should see your doctor or dermatologist. An easy procedure can reveal an infection of nail fungus. At that time, you can discuss your treatment options.

John P is the writer for a site dedicated to information concerning tonail fungus, The site covers all topics related to nail fungus. Toenailfungus1 can help you with choosing treatment options and discusses many other areas related to toenail fungus.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Discolored Nails and Toenail Pain - Toenail Fungus Treatment and Prevention

It is not hard to detect toenail fungus at its onset because the particular infection comes with very noticeable symptoms. The first thing that you will notice after acquiring toenail fungus is the appearance of white spots under the tip of your toenails. The infection then spreads gradually throughout the whole nail area until it covers the entire toenail.

In the latter stages of the disease, distortion of the toenails may also occur and the nails may also become brittle. As a result of the distortion of the nails, the surrounding area may become irritated and the patient may feel some toenail pain and discomfort especially when moving the toenails or during activities such as walking or running. The nails will also thicken as a result of the over production of keratin to replace the ones eaten by the fungus responsible for the infection. Though the symptoms of toenail fungus are quite unmistakable, it is still advisable to go to a doctor once you notice these changes in your toenails to get a proper diagnosis.

Toenail fungus which is known scientifically as onychomycosis is caused by a type of fungus known as dermatophytes. This type of fungus thrive in warm and damp areas. Public places that are constantly wet such as public bathrooms and swimming pools are believed to be one of the most common places where dermatophytes are caught. This is the reason why it is not advisable to walk barefoot while in these places.

It is important that onychomycosis be treated immediately once its symptoms appear. This is is because the infection is very hard to treat once it reaches its advanced stages. During the initial stages of toenail fungus, the disease is still responsive to common home remedies that are effective in eliminating fungi. These home remedies include vinegar, tea tree oil, Listerine and Epsom salt. Consult your doctor first before you try to use any kind of medications to treat your toenail fungus.

Some people don't take toenail fungus seriously and considers it as just a common fungal infection that can be easily treated. When left untreated, toenail fungus can lead to more serious complications and could result to permanent damage to the toenails. This is the reason why you should not ignore onychomycosis symptoms when you notice them. So if you notice a slight discoloration and distortion of your nails and if you begin to feel some toenail pain, immediately consult a doctor.

If your interested in finding some easy and safe cures for your fungus I found this great resource that goes over the different types of toenail fungus treatment people use. You'll be surprised by some of the treatments that are out there.

Make sure you do your homework before treating fungus because without the right method the stuff can be quite tricky. It took about two months for me effectively start treating my nails and years of trial and error to find the cure. I ended up using a toenail fungus treatment listed on that site and I couldn't have been happier with the results.

Listerine For Toenail Fungus - Does Mouthwash Kill Toenail Fungus Or Will it Just Waste Your Time?

Listerine for toe nail fungus... What next? If you're reading this article then you have probably heard many people talk of how mouthwash can kill toenail fungus. First of all what is it about that statement that would make you want to even try that with hopes of it curing your nail fungus.

If you do a bit of research you would find that there have been many people that have actually tried that remedy and have reported that it was both effective in stopping the spreading of their fungus as well as it reoccurring again if the treatments were not continued. There were also some reports of it curing there infection but those were very mild cases of toenail fungus.

I think that a better way to look at how Listerine for toe nail fungus works is to say that it is effective in helping you gain some control of the fungus on your toenail which can be a good thing because it will help the surrounding toes from becoming infected and that's fine if you are looking for nothing more than a treatment.

Of course another downside to using this kind of a treatment would be that you would have to continue this treatment for as long as you didn't want to see it to come back, and what's to say that your fungus doesn't grow to become immune to whatever it is that mouthwash has in it to control it.

You definitely couldn't get a stronger form of Listerine could you? Well although Listerine for toe nail fungus can stop the spreading of the fungus on your toenail and it can control it for a while if you keep buying bottles of mouthwash to keep the treatments up, I would think that you would come out much better by investing into something that would cure your toenail fungus permanently. It would definitely be cheaper and save you the headache of having to make time everyday to perform 2 Listerine foot baths.

As you read this article you are probably wondering what gives me the authority to talk so boldly about what works and what doesn't when it comes to killing your toenail fungus, and you have every right to wonder about that.

The truth is I used to suffer with toenail fungus and one day I got so desperate to find a cure for my toenail fungus that I actually tried using mouthwash for my toe nail fungus and to my surprise it did stop the spreading and it did of course come back but there were also some other things that were revealed to me as well which helped me to finally eliminate it permanently.

I talk more about that at my Fungus Toe Treatment blog, but the best advice that I can give you right here is to stop playing around with your toenail fungus and quit using home remedies like Listerine For Toenail Fungus, that will only treat your nail fungus. Its steps like those that will only prolong your agony. If you really want to eliminate your toenail fungus permanently hurry up and visit to find what will really do that for you.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Does a Homeopathic Treatment For Toenail Fungus Work?

A homeopathic treatment for toenail fungus cure or remedy can in fact be effective for many people suffering the embarrassment of nail fungus. While you may have fought or are fighting this condition now, if you're reading this, the lack of a complete cure has no doubt increased your exasperation with the condition.

The problem is simply once you have it, it's very difficult to completely cure regardless any promises that claim they have a quick, easy or simple cure. While you may be researching for a homeopathic treatment for toenail fungus on your own, remember that by it's very nature, onychomycosis is considered chronic.

When considering the various homeopathic options, understand that no remedy can restore your toenails in a week or even a month. Toenails aren't alive in the sense that your hand is alive. So while your hand can heal, toenails cannot. To regain healthy nails you need the time it takes to grow out new nail material while also protecting the new nail from becoming infected.

Another thing to remember is that any homeopathic treatment for solution will not work with your effort. Here are two that seem to be related and quite popular.

Alkalize - Alkalize

Eating high alkaline foods is claimed by some to be an effective toe nail fungus. Not extremely effective according to some reports but may help with very mild cases of nail fungus. Note that the most popular homeopathic methods to treat this condition use vinegar, a natural alkaline product.

Vinegar - Homeopathic treatment for toenail fungus

Vinegar has been used with success in treating a variety of ailments including toe nail fungus. The idea is basically the same which is to make the living area of the fungus uninhabitable by changing the Ph balance. Although not a scientifically proven method, using vinegar does have a much larger group of people claiming successful cure of their toenail fungus.

There are some home remedies that offer a measure of hope and actually have attained some success. That is, if you believe the number of testimonials for some of these "cures." Home treatment remedies like odorless iodine, vinegar and tea tree oil have a much larger following. These products are claimed by many to have helped with their nail infection than the rest of the treatment solutions offered.

Products like FUNG-B-GONE are all natural and help clear toenail fungus with regular use. It's a great homeopathic treatment for toenail fungus solution to a difficult to cure problem.

Only you can decide what therapies from the homeopathic or home remedy world you want to try. Remember however that re-infection is a concern.

Here's more info on Natural Treatment For Toenail Fungus []. Curing toenail fungus information can be found at Home Remedy For Nail Fungus []

Toenail Fungus Cures - Finding the Best Way to Cure Toenail Fungus

There are plenty of toenail fungus cures available in the market today. All you need to do is find the best one that works for you and the right ones that will help you get rid of your toenail fungus problems. You can choose from prescription products or you can try home remedies to help you get rid of your fungus problems. People who have undergone this issue know that it can be really embarrassing and painful to have something like this happen to your nails so finding toenail fungus cures is necessary. Finding the cure for this problem is a necessity, but it is also important that you learn how to identify the problem when it exists.

The Telltale Signs of Toenail Fungus

One of the things you should notice in your toenails is a small dot or patch; it usually appears on one nail first. Most of the time, people just dismiss this as just pure blemish and, therefore, delay the treatment or the search for toenail fungus cures until it develops and infects the other toes. The small patch usually starts growing along with the nail. It will continue to spread and infect the other toenails. You need to watch out for a white, yellow, or brown patch that is growing under your toenail. You can also distinguish its smell since it has a foul, cheesy stench. At this point, make sure to find a remedy for the situation already before it gets worse. Also, be certain to minimize any contact with the other toes especially if you are using nail trimmers since it could be a cause for spreading the infection further.

Options for Effective Toenail Fungus Cures

You have several options to take when it comes to using toenail fungus cures. If you intend to just use home remedies, some of the popular ones used include vinegar, Vick Vapor Rub, and tea tree oil to name a few. These are all effective toenail fungus cures if you catch the infection at an early stage. Over-the-counter medications are also effective. These topical solutions work fast and get rid of the infection easily with out side effects. Lastly, you can also use prescription medication. They are highly effective; however you just need to be cautious because some of them can cause liver damage as a side effect.

When you want 100 percent effective nail fungus cure, then go no further. There is an amazing breakthrough product that has helped thousands of people with their nail fungus problems. Try it now, use their money-back guarantee, then you shouldn't be too embarrassed about your discolored toenails anymore.

To find out more about this highly effective natural cure that is one of the best toenail fungus cures, go to to read a detailed review.