Friday, November 23, 2012

Do You Know Toenail Fungus Natural Remedies and Treatments?

Usually nail fungus is caused by very small, tiny organisms which infect the toenails and the fingernails. Worldwide it is very famous and it is also known as Onychomycosis. It occurs below the toenails or fingernails. At times it takes a lot of time to cure fully. The growth of the toenail fungus accelerates in dark, warm and moist area. So the person who wear constantly shoes also in the warmer climate suffers from toe nail fungus infections.
Most of the common cause of toenail fungus infections -
1. Risk of toe nail fungus infection increases when for a long or extended period your feet remain damp.
2. It is necessary to dry the shoes after a short interval as wearing the same shoes daily without drying it may result into the toenail fungus infection.
3. If you are having a break in your nail then there is a possibility of the toenail fungus infection to occur.
4. Weak toenails which is the result of wearing tight- fitting shoes.
5. When any person cut their toenails extremely close to the skin it results into multiple small cuts in the skin. Due to these cuts the possibilities of toenail fungus infection increases.
Some of the most important signs which indicate toenail fungus -
1. Toenail becomes brittle.
2. Due to fungal infection a person while walking feels a stinging pain in the skin under their toenails.
3. Toenails become flaky.
4. There is a presence of black, yellow and brown tinge or spots over the toenails.
5. While wearing shoes there is a feeling of pain or thickness in the toenails.
6. A feeling of bad smell under the toenails.
7. Toenails gradually keep getting chipped.
Some of the natural treatments are available which will help in treating the toenails.
A mouth wash Listerine is very effective in the treatment of toenails. Soak your toenails in the mouthwash for about 20 minutes at least twice a day. Then wipe your toenails and toes with a dry towel. The antiseptic effect of the mouth wash will help the toenails to eradicate the fungus.
The oil of the tea tree is having the properties of fungicide and antiseptic. You can rub the affected toenail with a cotton ball which is dipped in the tea tree oil. Practice this solution at least twice a day in the morning and in the night just before going to bed.
You can also soak your affected toenails into alcohol for 20 minutes and also rub it. Dry your toe nails or toes by using super absorbent paper towels.

Find more useful Nail Fungus Remedies. Read Safed Musli Benefits in improving overall health.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Toenail Fungus - Do You Have It?

What is toenail fungus and fingernail fungus?

Onychomycosis is the medical word that almost all Americans call toenail fungus. Toenail fungus is a living thing that feeds off the keratin that is found in your fingernails and toenails. It is generally brown or yellow in color. Your nails are made to be difficult to penetrate naturally so diseases, fungus and other infections can not enter your body through your toes and fingers. This is fine in the majority of cases, but somewhat works against you in the case of nail fungus. While the nail holds things out, it also holds things in once they penetrate. This is the case with toenail fungus. It is tough to eliminate after it penetrates the natural barrier of your nail.

How common is nail fungus?

Close to 10% of the population of the world is infected with nail fungus.

What are the symptoms?

Toenail fungus is easy to detect because the signs are obvious to even the untrained eye. The appearance of the nails is a give-away. Discoloration, generally yellow or brown and sometimes green, is a common indication of toenail fungus. The nail may appear thick and be flaky. It will appear as if something is building up under the nail. There is probably going to be smell associated with toenail fungus as well. Usually, there is no pain present with nail fungus but in some instances, it can get painful to wear shoes and it might even be difficult to walk. It depends upon the severity of the infection and how it is being treated.

How do I treat toenail fungus?

There are a number of treatment options if you have nail fungus. If you see a Dr., he/she is probably going to prescribe a medication where you will need a prescription. The highly severe cases of nail fungus almost always require a prescription medication. Drugs taken internally are capable of treating nail fungus from inside your body because they are circulated throughout your body. Over the counter treatments generally are topical. Topical oils and creams are not near as effective because of the barrier of your nail protecting the nail bed. The creams and oils are acidic and create a hostile environment for the fungus that kills it. Home remedies include acid based substances and soaking your nails in vinegar. The majority of home remedies do not work well. You certainly should not be soaking your fingernails in any substance that is harmful to you. Remember, chemicals penetrate the skin when you soak your feet and you could receive harmful doses of a chemical if you attempt a radical home remedy.

Can nail fungus be prevented?

Nail fungus can be prevented in a couple of ways. The easiest way is to keep your feet and hands dry after taking a shower, swimming pool, or doing other activities getting your feet or hands wet. Similar to all living things, toenail fungus needs moisture to thrive. If you are exercising often or engaging in activity where your feet perspire to a great extent, be sure to wear moisture wicking socks and change them often.

Another critical step is basic nail care. Nails should be trimmed but not too short exposing the nail bed. Small abrasions to the skin around your nail can provide the passage way to your nail bed and organisms including fungas can take root. To prevent toenail fungal infections, keep your feet as clean and dry as possible all the time. Be cautious of sharing nail clippers. If you go to nail salons, be sure the tools they use are cleaned after every use. It is quite easy to be exposed to nail fungus from nail clippers and nail salons must follow specific protocol for cleaning their equipment.

If you suspect that you have a toenail fungus infection, you probably should see your doctor or dermatologist. An easy procedure can reveal an infection of nail fungus. At that time, you can discuss your treatment options.

John P is the writer for a site dedicated to information concerning tonail fungus, The site covers all topics related to nail fungus. Toenailfungus1 can help you with choosing treatment options and discusses many other areas related to toenail fungus.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Discolored Nails and Toenail Pain - Toenail Fungus Treatment and Prevention

It is not hard to detect toenail fungus at its onset because the particular infection comes with very noticeable symptoms. The first thing that you will notice after acquiring toenail fungus is the appearance of white spots under the tip of your toenails. The infection then spreads gradually throughout the whole nail area until it covers the entire toenail.

In the latter stages of the disease, distortion of the toenails may also occur and the nails may also become brittle. As a result of the distortion of the nails, the surrounding area may become irritated and the patient may feel some toenail pain and discomfort especially when moving the toenails or during activities such as walking or running. The nails will also thicken as a result of the over production of keratin to replace the ones eaten by the fungus responsible for the infection. Though the symptoms of toenail fungus are quite unmistakable, it is still advisable to go to a doctor once you notice these changes in your toenails to get a proper diagnosis.

Toenail fungus which is known scientifically as onychomycosis is caused by a type of fungus known as dermatophytes. This type of fungus thrive in warm and damp areas. Public places that are constantly wet such as public bathrooms and swimming pools are believed to be one of the most common places where dermatophytes are caught. This is the reason why it is not advisable to walk barefoot while in these places.

It is important that onychomycosis be treated immediately once its symptoms appear. This is is because the infection is very hard to treat once it reaches its advanced stages. During the initial stages of toenail fungus, the disease is still responsive to common home remedies that are effective in eliminating fungi. These home remedies include vinegar, tea tree oil, Listerine and Epsom salt. Consult your doctor first before you try to use any kind of medications to treat your toenail fungus.

Some people don't take toenail fungus seriously and considers it as just a common fungal infection that can be easily treated. When left untreated, toenail fungus can lead to more serious complications and could result to permanent damage to the toenails. This is the reason why you should not ignore onychomycosis symptoms when you notice them. So if you notice a slight discoloration and distortion of your nails and if you begin to feel some toenail pain, immediately consult a doctor.

If your interested in finding some easy and safe cures for your fungus I found this great resource that goes over the different types of toenail fungus treatment people use. You'll be surprised by some of the treatments that are out there.

Make sure you do your homework before treating fungus because without the right method the stuff can be quite tricky. It took about two months for me effectively start treating my nails and years of trial and error to find the cure. I ended up using a toenail fungus treatment listed on that site and I couldn't have been happier with the results.

Listerine For Toenail Fungus - Does Mouthwash Kill Toenail Fungus Or Will it Just Waste Your Time?

Listerine for toe nail fungus... What next? If you're reading this article then you have probably heard many people talk of how mouthwash can kill toenail fungus. First of all what is it about that statement that would make you want to even try that with hopes of it curing your nail fungus.

If you do a bit of research you would find that there have been many people that have actually tried that remedy and have reported that it was both effective in stopping the spreading of their fungus as well as it reoccurring again if the treatments were not continued. There were also some reports of it curing there infection but those were very mild cases of toenail fungus.

I think that a better way to look at how Listerine for toe nail fungus works is to say that it is effective in helping you gain some control of the fungus on your toenail which can be a good thing because it will help the surrounding toes from becoming infected and that's fine if you are looking for nothing more than a treatment.

Of course another downside to using this kind of a treatment would be that you would have to continue this treatment for as long as you didn't want to see it to come back, and what's to say that your fungus doesn't grow to become immune to whatever it is that mouthwash has in it to control it.

You definitely couldn't get a stronger form of Listerine could you? Well although Listerine for toe nail fungus can stop the spreading of the fungus on your toenail and it can control it for a while if you keep buying bottles of mouthwash to keep the treatments up, I would think that you would come out much better by investing into something that would cure your toenail fungus permanently. It would definitely be cheaper and save you the headache of having to make time everyday to perform 2 Listerine foot baths.

As you read this article you are probably wondering what gives me the authority to talk so boldly about what works and what doesn't when it comes to killing your toenail fungus, and you have every right to wonder about that.

The truth is I used to suffer with toenail fungus and one day I got so desperate to find a cure for my toenail fungus that I actually tried using mouthwash for my toe nail fungus and to my surprise it did stop the spreading and it did of course come back but there were also some other things that were revealed to me as well which helped me to finally eliminate it permanently.

I talk more about that at my Fungus Toe Treatment blog, but the best advice that I can give you right here is to stop playing around with your toenail fungus and quit using home remedies like Listerine For Toenail Fungus, that will only treat your nail fungus. Its steps like those that will only prolong your agony. If you really want to eliminate your toenail fungus permanently hurry up and visit to find what will really do that for you.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Does a Homeopathic Treatment For Toenail Fungus Work?

A homeopathic treatment for toenail fungus cure or remedy can in fact be effective for many people suffering the embarrassment of nail fungus. While you may have fought or are fighting this condition now, if you're reading this, the lack of a complete cure has no doubt increased your exasperation with the condition.

The problem is simply once you have it, it's very difficult to completely cure regardless any promises that claim they have a quick, easy or simple cure. While you may be researching for a homeopathic treatment for toenail fungus on your own, remember that by it's very nature, onychomycosis is considered chronic.

When considering the various homeopathic options, understand that no remedy can restore your toenails in a week or even a month. Toenails aren't alive in the sense that your hand is alive. So while your hand can heal, toenails cannot. To regain healthy nails you need the time it takes to grow out new nail material while also protecting the new nail from becoming infected.

Another thing to remember is that any homeopathic treatment for solution will not work with your effort. Here are two that seem to be related and quite popular.

Alkalize - Alkalize

Eating high alkaline foods is claimed by some to be an effective toe nail fungus. Not extremely effective according to some reports but may help with very mild cases of nail fungus. Note that the most popular homeopathic methods to treat this condition use vinegar, a natural alkaline product.

Vinegar - Homeopathic treatment for toenail fungus

Vinegar has been used with success in treating a variety of ailments including toe nail fungus. The idea is basically the same which is to make the living area of the fungus uninhabitable by changing the Ph balance. Although not a scientifically proven method, using vinegar does have a much larger group of people claiming successful cure of their toenail fungus.

There are some home remedies that offer a measure of hope and actually have attained some success. That is, if you believe the number of testimonials for some of these "cures." Home treatment remedies like odorless iodine, vinegar and tea tree oil have a much larger following. These products are claimed by many to have helped with their nail infection than the rest of the treatment solutions offered.

Products like FUNG-B-GONE are all natural and help clear toenail fungus with regular use. It's a great homeopathic treatment for toenail fungus solution to a difficult to cure problem.

Only you can decide what therapies from the homeopathic or home remedy world you want to try. Remember however that re-infection is a concern.

Here's more info on Natural Treatment For Toenail Fungus []. Curing toenail fungus information can be found at Home Remedy For Nail Fungus []

Toenail Fungus Cures - Finding the Best Way to Cure Toenail Fungus

There are plenty of toenail fungus cures available in the market today. All you need to do is find the best one that works for you and the right ones that will help you get rid of your toenail fungus problems. You can choose from prescription products or you can try home remedies to help you get rid of your fungus problems. People who have undergone this issue know that it can be really embarrassing and painful to have something like this happen to your nails so finding toenail fungus cures is necessary. Finding the cure for this problem is a necessity, but it is also important that you learn how to identify the problem when it exists.

The Telltale Signs of Toenail Fungus

One of the things you should notice in your toenails is a small dot or patch; it usually appears on one nail first. Most of the time, people just dismiss this as just pure blemish and, therefore, delay the treatment or the search for toenail fungus cures until it develops and infects the other toes. The small patch usually starts growing along with the nail. It will continue to spread and infect the other toenails. You need to watch out for a white, yellow, or brown patch that is growing under your toenail. You can also distinguish its smell since it has a foul, cheesy stench. At this point, make sure to find a remedy for the situation already before it gets worse. Also, be certain to minimize any contact with the other toes especially if you are using nail trimmers since it could be a cause for spreading the infection further.

Options for Effective Toenail Fungus Cures

You have several options to take when it comes to using toenail fungus cures. If you intend to just use home remedies, some of the popular ones used include vinegar, Vick Vapor Rub, and tea tree oil to name a few. These are all effective toenail fungus cures if you catch the infection at an early stage. Over-the-counter medications are also effective. These topical solutions work fast and get rid of the infection easily with out side effects. Lastly, you can also use prescription medication. They are highly effective; however you just need to be cautious because some of them can cause liver damage as a side effect.

When you want 100 percent effective nail fungus cure, then go no further. There is an amazing breakthrough product that has helped thousands of people with their nail fungus problems. Try it now, use their money-back guarantee, then you shouldn't be too embarrassed about your discolored toenails anymore.

To find out more about this highly effective natural cure that is one of the best toenail fungus cures, go to to read a detailed review.

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Essential First Step to Help Cure Toenail Fungus

There are indeed many people who don't really like to go to see doctor when they have health related problem. This is so true when they don't see their problem as something to be serious about. Small problem can be a big problem. Such thing always happens when the underestimated health issue doesn't get proper treatment. Toenail fungus may seem like a small problem that will make you want to treat it yourself. Likewise, this "small" problem will probably be a big problem in the absence of proper treatment. You know, you may use any natural remedies to help treat the toenail fungus. However, don't you think that it is necessary to meet a qualified doctor to look at your case?

Referring your problem to a doctor is the first essential step that you should take to really solve your toenail fungus problem. There are more benefits of seeing a qualified doctor than to treat the toenail fungus yourself. The thing is, a qualified doctor knows which remedies are best for you to get rid of the toenail fungus. Most importantly, your doctor knows whether you are having toenail fungus infection or some other problems. To put it bluntly, you have to first go for diagnosis by a qualified doctor. Only from the proper diagnosis you can have the best toenail fungus remedies that suit you.

The common remedies that you'll most likely to get from clinic or hospital is creams and pills. These can be found easily in most pharmacies. Instead of trying to apply remedies that have chemical properties, you can also try natural remedies. There are plants and other natural elements that may effectively work against the toenail fungus like Tea Tree oil.

Tree Tea oil is not only useful and effective to cure acne, it also as popular as oil of oregano as one of the toenail fungus remedies. What makes Tea Tree oil effective against the fungus is it contains antiseptic and antifungal properties. Like oil of oregano, Tea Tree oil can be applied directly to the affected nail. As an alternative of Tea Tree oil, oil of oregano and vinegar could be used as toenail fungus remedies as they contain antibacterial properties.

In conclusion, using natural remedies to cure the toenail fungus is not wrong. However, the first step to really solve your toenail fungus problem is by undergoing proper diagnosis from a qualified doctor or physician.

Mohd Rizashsyam offers many tips and advice on how to cure toenail fungus. For more essential information on toenail fungus remedies, visit

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Listerine Toenail Fungus Cure - Tips Here

Although there are drugs and home remedies for toenail fungus, the latest method is the treatment with pharmaceutical products like Lamisil and Listerine. The toenail fungus cure with Listerine is one choice for your purpose. Some people may not support this treatment suspecting the uncertainty of the product in killing the bacterial skin infection. If you are able to know the basic reason for your nail infection, you can easily prevent the occurrence of the ailment in future.

What causes toenail fungus?

The fungal infection originates from inside just below the toenail and develops symptoms of nail fungus in a few days. The infection occurs due to an unhygienic protection to the foot. Consequently, the nail gets damaged which can be identified from its outward appearance with dark color (black or bluish). The damaging of toenail might be the result of wearing wet socks and the sweating of the foot in the shoe. With such drenched condition, the fungus develops fast.

Attack of toenail infection:

When you have the attack of toenail infection, drastic action should be taken just on identifying the symptom as toenail infection. You have to start anti-fungal medications by external application in the form of ointment. The medications can be had over the counter prescription at lower rates. If the medication does not work to your satisfaction, then the next option is the total removal of toenail fungus. Oral medications are also available, but they are not so effective and there is chance for side effects also.

What is Listerine therapy for toenail fungus?

It is known to all that Listerine is a popular mouthwash which was introduced first as an anesthetic for commercial sales. It contains menthol and an antiseptic agent known as thymol. Studies have proved thymol as a good anti-fungal agent for applying  for toenail fungal infections. Thus Listerine for toenail fungus is basically formulated with the antiseptic and so it is recommended for curing toenail fungus with the consultation of the physician. 

Tips for toenail cure:

We have varied  recommendations from different people. All of them suggest soaking the toenail either in 100 percent pure Listerine or compounded Listerine with 50 percent vinegar. The toenail should be soaked for about 30 minutes every day. During such Listerine treatment for toenail fungus, Keeping the area dry and avoiding to walking on wet floor immediately can serve good results. The result may not be achieved over night but may take a few months with this consistent treatment. In the meantime, the anti-fungal thymol prevents the fungal growth. Now, you may cut off the infected portion of the nail using clippers and help healthy nails to grow fresh.

Also, if your parents had toenail infection, then you have a little hereditary chance for the onset of the nail infection for you. Whatever it may be, you have to be cautious to wear clean and dry socks to prevent nail infection,. You should allow free circulation in your shoes. You may use powder to your socks also to keep your nails soft and healthy.

If you feel sluggish to use Listerine for toenail fungus, you have some other sources with useful information for treatment with Vicks for toenail fungus AND Laser for toenail fungus for diabetes.

Toenail Fungus Remove by Natural Remedy

This fungus is a type of skin problem. This problem makes the toenails look dirty and embarrassing. If skin condition is not that serious, it does not look nice if your feet are infected with fungus. Never you wear closed sandals and shoe your entire life because of your skin problem. Mostly skin professionals do not prescribe the use of ointments and feet creams, since these do not have much effect on the problem.

The fungal infections are common on both fingernails and toenails. Toenail fungus also called as onychomycosis is caused by a group of fungus called dermatophytes. Toenail fungus are harmful because as they grow they feed on the keratin that makes up the surface of the toenail. Usually two fingers that are more likely to be affected are the big toe finger and the little toe finger. The toenail fungus causes disfiguration and discoloration of the nails. This fungus is a contagious disease and some times it may be hereditary. Normally toenail fungus affects men double as often as compared to women.

You can use natural remedies for nail fungus; there are no specific formulations that you can actually follow. Some existing application for toenail fungus has been formulated by some individuals and has passed their remedies to their friends and families. The following are some natural treatments, which are said to be effective for curing or lessening the growth of toenail fungus.

(i)Tea tree oil - Tea tree has been utilized to treat toenail fungus due to the anti-fungal components of its natural oils. Paste some drops of the oil on your affected foot daily and rub the product on your skin and nails. You can also use a combination of lavender, olive, and almond with this natural remedy.

(ii) Listerine - It is common mouthwash products that contain antiseptic formulas. Many individuals suffering from toenail fungus use this to treat their condition. If you want to use this to treat your toenail fungus, then soak your toenails in a bowl of antiseptic mouthwash for several minutes everyday.

(iii) Vinegar - Vinegar has high acidic properties that he is very effective on the fungus. For solve the problem, soak your toenails within a basin of vinegar. Doing this process once or twice each day will get rid of your toenail fungus within one week.

(iv) Oil extract from Vitamin E- By this antioxidant treat toenail fungus. To the side toxins from your body, vitamin E also fights fungus. When rub the oil extract on the affected nails by using a swab of cotton. You can use the oil several times each week.

(v) These application best home remedies for treating toenail are to treat it by using oregano and olive oil combination. One can mix two drops of Oregano essential oil along with one teaspoon of olive oil. After mixing, this is makes it powerful combination to fight against toenail fungal infections. This combination is to be applied onto the affected area for about two weeks and not more than that. This combination serves antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-parasitical and ant fungal properties.

Discover the Best Treatment for Toenail Fungus Today & Kill the Fungus in 2 Weeks.

Visit Now!

Dr. Eswararamanan VR is the author of this article. This article can be used on your website with all the links intact

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Can One Use Toenail Fungus Home Remedies For Curing It?

Infections caused by micro organisms cause toenail fungus. It is also known as Onychomycosis that is one type of fungi that grow in warm and moist areas or the fingernail or toenail. With the growth of the fungi the toenail becomes harder as well as brittle and often lead to its discoloration. Ordinarily the fungus is not painful in the initial stages. However prolonged existence and increase in severity can cause a lot of difficulties for you.

Some precautions to prevent the spread of toenail fungus

More often than not the toenail fungus is the result of break of the nail, multiple cuts or bruises in the skin as well as damp shoes and socks. In result the toenail becomes flaked and chipped since it becomes brittle. It is therefore best to keep your toes dry and not use wet socks and shoes as far as practicable. Washing the toes well, if possible with some disinfectants, after visiting public places will also reduce the toenail fungus affects. Such precautions will also prevent your toes from emitting bad smells that is the hall mark of the toenail fungus.

Some useful home remedies that work to eliminate toenail fungus

Some of the best use of home remedies for toenail fungus is: -

Tea tree oil is one of the best anti septic element and is great for treating toenail fungus. If you dip cotton ball in it and rub your toes at least twice a day, once during the morning and the other time while going to bed, the results could be very good.
Another element that could work very well for toenail fungus treatment is the Listerine mouthwash. You can soak your toes in mouthwash for about twenty minutes and the medicinal component in Listerine will at least prevent any further fungus growth. It will be better if the application can be made twice a day.
A third home remedy for toenail fungus is the combination of warm water with apple cider vinegar. Soaking your feet for around 15 to 20 minutes in it can help you immensely. After this you can dry your toenails thoroughly and again apply the same a second time during evening.
Effectiveness of tea tree oil could be enhanced by adding lavender oil to it. The way of treatment is the same. Soak cotton ball in the mixture and wipe the toe nail at least three times a day. The result would be reduction of fungus infection on toenails. Proportions of lavender oil and tea tree oil should be equal normally.
Combination of water and vinegar for soaking your fungus affected toes in it will be good. Equally good is rubbing the affected part with alcohol. Both treatments will continue for around twenty minutes.
Hydrogen peroxide and water mixed in proportion of 3:97 would be very good for soaking your affected toenail and getting rid of the toenail fungus. Around 15 minutes of application can do a world of good for curing the toenail fungus.
Use pro-biotics food like yogurt and kefir in diet. You can also apply turmeric powder and water pastes, rub onion slices, or use red pepper paste on affected parts to eliminate fungus.

Now you would possibly like to know which cure is most safe and a lot efficient, which is a good question. You can locate this advice on the link below this text.

Discover the Best Treatment for Toenail Fungus Today & Kill the Fungus in 2 Weeks.

Visit Now!

Dr. Eswararamanan VR is the author of this article. This article can be used on your website with all the links intact.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Toenail Fungus Cause - Symptoms and Remedies

Toenail fungus can be caused by a variety of factors. People often do not even realize the cause of their toenail fungus and attempt to treat it without addressing preventative measures. This leads to infection again even after its been treated.

The symptoms of toenail fungus include flaking of the toenail. You might also notice the nail becoming foggy. Perhaps you're experiencing a slight pain coming from your toe when you walk. Toenail fungus sometimes also leaves an odor that comes from under the toenail. Finally if your nail has yellow, brown, or black spots developing this is also a sign of toenail fungus infection.

How short do you cut your toenails? In a lot of the toenail cases that I've seen it can develop because people cut their toenail too short. This leads to small minor cuts which can cause the fungus to take hold under the nail and cause your infection. Sometimes people just get an unlucky cut that can lead to infection. The best preventative measure to take in this case is to simply avoid cutting your nail all the way back to the clear section. You should leave a little bit of the white end hanging off the end of your toe.

Another common cause of toenail fungus is exposing the toe to moisture. This can happen from a variety of environments. If you have sweaty athletic shoes you should not put them on your feet again until they dry out. I also recommend wearing moisture absorbent socks.

If you visit a public pool or showers I recommend wearing flip flops around these places. This will also help to greatly reduce your chance of getting toenail fungus.

Treatment of toenail fungus is not necessarily an easy thing to do. There are countless remedies out there and prescription drugs.

I do not recommend prescription drugs to treat toenail fungus as they have dreadful side effects. They contain a cocktail of powerful toxins that do more than just treat toenail fungus. These medications often lead to liver damage. If severe enough this could lead to death.

Listerine mouth wash is a common way to treat toenail fungus. Unfortunately I've heard of little success with this. To do this treatment soak your infected toes in Listerine for 30 minutes per treatment. Treatment should be applied 2 or 3 times a day.

Tea tree oil is a natural plant extract that supposedly works based off the ingredients plants use to combat fungus. Again this treatment alone had little results for me. It probably will help you if you have the most mildest of cases.

This is my story on how I cured my toenail fungus.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Toenail Fungus Contagious?

Toenail fungus is one of those conditions where pure information is needed before the right answer is given.

If you cut your toenails with some clippers and one of those toenails is a fungus one, then the other toenails are at risk.

If that nail clipper is then given to someone else and they cut their toenails, then there is a chance that they will get the toenail fungus.

If you have a really bad case of toenail fungus and you then share the same socks and shoes as someone else then there is a likeliness that they will get a fungus issue at some point.

The difference is that fungal skin infection is far more contagious than fungus toenails and it is usually the skin issue that causes the toenail issue and vice versa. Obviously communal places where a lot of peoples feet congregate is prone to different types of micro-organisms, even your shower.

Fungus itself it quite resilient within the nail because of many devices that it employs to keep itself safe and sound. Once out of the nail, the fungus is actually easy to destroy. It's eggs are the issue as they are protected against a wide variety of chemicals that we tend to use on a regular basis. Antibacterial soaps and sprays will not work because it is a fungus, not a bacterium. 2 different types of organisms with 2 different types of treatments.

Some people keep their own nail care instruments to themselves which is all fair and well, but then they keep them in a dark moisture laden pouch... where the fungus thrives. Then they use their nail care products on their toes and the cycle continues. Sometimes finger nails are also cut so obviously they can get infected (and they usually do).

So what do you do?

If you have one toenail that has a mild fungus on it, treat it, because leaving it will make it get worse and then the treatments will become stronger and then there is a better chance of more toes being affected.

If you have one toenail that has a fungus on it, buy 2 clippers. Label each one and then use one on the fungus toenail- and do not use that one anything else apart from that toenail. Clean the clippers as best as you can (diluted beach is the best) and then store separately. Do not forget which clipper is the fungus one, and tell other people in the house not to use it.

Every now and then buy more clippers and dispose of the others.

There is still a likeliness of that toenail fungus spreading, it is just in its nature, but at least you have reduced the chance.

Dominic Hough has created a "non-BS" website filled with all sorts of fungus toenail treatments- from the widely popular to the widely dangerous and to be avoided. Here are the best Toenail Fungus Home Remedies. More articles can be found here: Toenail Fungus 101

How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus - Effective Toenail Fungus Treatments That You Should Be Using

As you already know, having toe nail fungus can be frustrating. If you're anything like me, you hate it! And trying to get rid of it can sometimes be a difficult thing to do. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some effective tips on how to get rid of toenail fungus.

With these tips, you'll know which toenail fungus treatments to use.

I know how it feels to have nail fungal problems. Having fungus on my nails made my feet look ugly. And because of this, it made me not want to wear sandals or flip flops. Well, at least until I figured out what I could do to get rid of it.

And the same can happen to use. If you use the right toenail fungus cure, you will be able to get rid of the fungus. You won't have to be embarrassed or humiliated by having nail fungus. Even if you have thick nail fungus, you will be able to eliminate it and rebuild your nails' health.

Now, one thing you should be aware of is that it takes a little time to get rid of toe nail fungus. Even if you have surgery or use some medication from the doctor, you will still have to be a little patient with the results. This doesn't mean you can't get rid of the nail fungus.

It just means it will take more than a few days. There are a few things you can do if you're trying to find how to get rid of toenail fungus. The one thing you can do is use apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil. These are some effective toenail fungus treatments.

But if you've tried these cures and found that they haven't helped you, there are a few other things you can do to get rid of your fungal problem.

One thing you have to remember is to not give up on learning how to get rid of toenail fungus. There are simple ways to get rid of the fungus. You can use a toenail solution that helps fight the fungus. There are some really effective toe nail solutions that help.

They help repair the health of nails and help eliminate nail fungus. They also help get rid of the yellowish color on toenails, too. And that's what I highly recommend you use. It's the same thing that has helped a lot of people get rid of their toenail fungus. It's one of the best toenail treatments you can use to eliminate your fungal problem.

You don't have to hate having nail fungus and be embarrassed by it anymore.

If you're trying to find how to get rid of toenail fungus and want to use the best toenail fungus treatment, click here.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Toenail Fungus Cures For Yellow Toenails

It is difficult to cure toenail fungus, a systemic disease that attacks millions of Americans every year. There are many over the counter remedies that claim to treat and correct yellow toenails, however most of them fall short of being an actual cure. Those who suffer from a weakened immune system are greater risk and have additional troubled treating toenail fungus. It can be contagious and can be contracted in the warm places such as locker rooms, showers, exercise facilities, and other places where warm moist conditions exist.  However toenail fungus cures do exist, we are going to look at the two types of all natural remedies for toenail fungus.     

When a fungus attacks the nail bed, under the skin of the nail, fingernail, or toenail a nail infection has occurred.  If there are lesions around the nail the opportunity for fungi to invade the nail bed presents itself.  Typical presentation of toenail fungus is through yellow toenails, black toenails, or thickened toenails.  For most healthy adults a fungal infection should not cause serious harm or issues. Typically this type of nail infection will look bad and causes damaged unsightly nails. In individuals who have compromised immune systems a fungal nail infection can lead to more serious problems and a nail fungus cure will be harder to come by.     They are two basic ways to treat a nail fungus infection however if an infection goes untreated it will just continue to worsen causing additional toenail problems. These infections can be difficult to treat and many times become expensive to treat. However there are several different routes you can take in an attempt to treat a nail infection.     

The first treatment method would be using a topical treatment. Topical treatments include antifungal creams lotions that go over town the nail itself. You can buy many of these over the counter without a prescription from a doctor or certified physician. These sorts of topical treatments can take effect in anywhere from a few weeks to a full year.  There are several topical treatments on the market that has been known to cure toenail fungus within six months.     

The second method of treatment involves taking a pill, this does give you a greater chance to cure your toenail fungus. However this method also comes with many drawbacks including side effects and being very expensive. You'll also need to see your doctor in order to get a prescription, as well as for regular checkups. You should not take an oral medication to cure your toenail fungus if you have liver or heart problems.

The internet has become a valuable resource for individuals were looking for a toenail fungus cure. It allows access to useful reviews and information otherwise could not be found. I have found review sites to be very helpful when deciding on a toenail fungus cure. Some have offered several reviews of different products that have gotten good ratings from product users and offer good insight into products ingredients and guarantees. After giving a review of a couple products to cure toenail fungus you can also look at an in depth review of a specific product or you can visit the products homepage.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Causes of Toenail Fungus Infections

There are many possible causes of toenail fungus infections. One of the most common is the constant exposure to water or moisture. This explains why many athletes, particularly swimmers and divers, have a higher incidence of toenail fungal infections than other people.

Fungus naturally grows much faster in wet environments. If your feet are constantly wet, they become very attractive to toenail fungus. In addition, the warmth of the feet also promotes the growth of toenail fungus. To minimize the chances of acquiring toenail fungus infection, you should dry your feet as thoroughly as possible before putting on your socks and shoes.

Besides warmth and moisture, there are also genetic causes of toenail fungus infections that are beyond your control. Certain diseases and conditions contribute to the chances of getting a fungal infection in the toenails. Such conditions include Down syndrome, Raynaud's disease and Cushing's syndrome.

Diseases such as HIV and diabetes also make certain people more prone to toenail fungus infections. It is interesting to note though that male diabetes patients are thrice as likely to get toenail fungus than women with diabetes.

The other causes of toenail fungus infections are related to the practice of improper foot hygiene. For instance, some people do not think twice about wearing shoes while their feet are still wet. As mentioned before, it is important to completely dry your feet before putting on your shoes.

If you expect to sweat a lot while wearing your shoes, it is advisable to apply some foot powder before wearing your socks. You should also make sure that the socks that you buy are made from cotton materials as these are very good in absorbing excess perspiration and moisture.

While you're at it, you should also check the materials used in your shoes. Synthetic materials such are plastic are a no-no as these prevents the natural air circulation in your feet, trapping more moisture and germs inside the shoes. Toenail fungus is also contagious so you must avoid sharing footwear with other people, even if they are family members.

Wearing very tight shoes is also among the causes of Nail fungus infections. Footwear that do not fit properly will not only make your feet hurt but they will also constrict the toes and pave the way for ingrown toenails. These painful abnormalities of the toenail are among the chief causes of toenail fungus infections that can not only result in severe inconvenience but can also take up to several months to cure.

Now that you know the common causes of toenail fungus infections, you can take care of your feet and toenails much better and avoid the hassle of having to deal with toenail fungal infection.

You can also find more info on Types of Nail Fungus. is a comprehensive resource which provide information about nail and it fungus.

Home Remedies For Toenail Fungus - Getting Rid of Onychomycosis

Toenail fungus, known in medical jargon as onychomycosis, is the most common disease of the toenail. The term onychomycosis though is also sometimes loosely used to describe other infections of the nail that are not caused by fungi. There are many home remedies for toenail fungus which will be discussed later on.

It is estimated that men are two times more susceptible to toenail fungus than women. Good hygiene maybe one of the determining factors here since women are considered to adhere more to good hygiene than men. Older individuals are also more vulnerable to toenail fungus but this is probably because of the weakened state of their immune system. People with psoriasis, diabetes and leukemia should also be extra careful because they are several times more likely to contract toenail fungus than the rest of the population.

It is important that toenail fungus be treated immediately because once the infection gets deeper into the nail, it will be more difficult to eliminate it. And if it is left untreated, there's a possibility that it will lead into more serious complications. Prevention is better than cure. So if you don't have toenail fungus, you should protect yourself from it by guarding yourself from factors that could cause such an infection. Toenail fungus is caused by a type of fungus called dermatophytes which thrives in wet and warm places. Public bathrooms and swimming pools are some of the most common places where dermatophytes are believed to be abundant.

Proper hygiene is also one of the best defense against toenail fungus. Always wash your feet with soap and water especially if you have been into a public place. Avoid walking barefoot when you are in a damp public place. Always put on washed dry socks and make sure that your shoes are clean and dry before you keep them in a cabinet. If you must, put disinfectant in your shoes and in your socks drawer or cabinet.

If you've already been diagnosed with toenail fungus, then you should try home remedies that are proven to be effective in eliminating fungus infections. Among these remedies, tea tree oil that is indigenous in Australia is probably the best home remedy against toenail fungus. You can use it undiluted and put them directly on the infection or you can dilute them in water and use the solution as a soak.

Toenail fungus may be a nasty disease but it is highly treatable. With patience and the help of effective home remedies for toenail fungus, your condition will be eliminated in no time.

If your interested in finding some easy and safe cures for your fungus I found this great resource that goes over the different types of toenail fungus remedies people use. You'll be surprised by some of the treatments that are out there.

Make sure you do your homework before treating fungus because without the right method the stuff can be quite tricky. It took about two months for me effectively start treating my nails and years of trial and error to find the cure. I ended up using a natural fungus treatment listed on that site and I couldn't have been happier with the results.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Toenail Fungus Treatment - Home Remedies That Work

Toenail fungus (Onychomycosis) is becoming very common throughout the world. Millions of people suffer from this fungus and thousands develop it each year.

Toenails become infected with fungus in a variety of ways. Usually it is developed because of excess moisture around the toes. This explains why toenails get infected much more frequently than fingernails.

Common ways people develop toenail fungus is by walking around barefoot in a locker room, public shower, or pool area. The chances of catching a fungus can be greatly reduced by wearing sandals in these areas.

A break in the nail helping the fungus to enter could be a cause. This includes cutting your toenails too short causing a minor cut. This can lead to a fungus infection.

Wearing wet and sweaty athletic shoes can also cause toenail fungus. Make sure your shoes are dry before putting them on. In addition wear water absorbent socks to reduce your chances of catching a fungus.

Indications of toenail fungus include:

- A bad smell coming from under the toenail.

-If the nail gets flaky or extremely brittle usually this is a sign of early stages of toenail infection.

-If you feel a stinging pain at any point on your toe.

-If the nail starts fogging up or developing a black, brown, or yellow spot or spots.

Treating toenail infections early is important. The longer you wait the worse the case becomes and will become harder to treat.

Prescription drugs can be a remedy in treating toenail infection. This method is a rather extreme one. These drugs are very expensive and treatment will take months. These pills also have strong toxics in them that can cause liver disease or failure. In one case study it indicated that .5% of people develop liver disease from taking these medications.

Homemade remedies for the treatment of toenail fungus will sometimes prove to be effective in eliminating the fungus.

Tee tree oil is a plant extract that acts as a fungus killer. Rub the toenail with this twice a day. Make sure you do not miss treatment. I've experienced moderate success with this in combination with other treatments.

Listerine is a mouthwash that can be found in any grocery or drug store. It is recommended that toenails be soaked for up to 30 minutes two or three times a day. This didn't work for me but maybe it will work for you.

Vick's Vapor Rub is a common way to try and treat toenail fungus. It's been recommended to me several times. However I've had absolutely no luck with this treatment method.

Make sure when you treat foot fungus you avoid getting it back. Take preventative measures to the causes mentioned above.

My personal testimony on how I finally cured my toenail fungus.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Discover the Best Home Toenail Fungus Treatment

Millions of people suffer from toenail fungus. This type of fungi loves a warm and dark environment which makes the toenails the perfect medium for this fungi to grow. Those who wear shoes in hot and moist climates can have a problem with toenail fungi. The fingernails can become infected with fungus also but the toenails are more common site. If you have noticed a change in the appearance of your toenails, and you think it may be a fungus, read on to learn more about toenail fungi treatment.

If you want to fight toenail fungus then you need to examine the cause. Fungus will enter the toenails through any tiny break in the nail. If your shoes are too tight, it will cause the nails to become weak and cause them to break. This will allow the fungus to find a way in. When you cut your toenails too close, you can inadvertently make small cuts in the skin. This is the perfect opening for the fungus to enter and spread. It is also very important that you don't let your feet remain damp for any extended period of time. Warm and moist conditions contribute to fungus growth.

When you suspect you have a toenail fungi, there are steps you can take to eliminate it. Soaking your feet each day in a solution of one part vinegar and two parts warm water is a great home remedy for fungus. Vinegar is a natural fungus fighter. There are those that claim soaking your feet each day in mouthwash such as Listerine can get rid of toenail fungi. No matter which toenail fungi treatment you choose to soak in, it is very important that you dry your feet completely. Never put damp feet into socks or shoes.

A great natural antifungal is tea tree oil. This oil has dozens of uses, and it is a good idea to have it available at all times. Rub a cotton ball dipped in tea tree oil over your toes several times a day. Repeat this every day until the toenail fungi disappears.

Toenail fungus treatment can be easily done at home. You just need to be consistent with your treatment methods and learn how to avoid the causes of fungus.

To find out which toenail fungus treatment can remove your toenail fungus visit toenail fungus treatment to read reviews and testimonials of the very best Nail Fungus Solutions on the market that come with a complete satisfaction money back guarantee.
Click toenail fungus treatment today and start healing your toenail fungus fast.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Want Beautiful Feet? Toenail Fungus Home Remedy

Are you suffering from nail fungus and need to locate accurate information on toenail fungus remedies that are effective? While toenail fungus remedies remedies range from home ideas to natural proven methods that are popular to even expensive anti-fungal drugs, all are focused on making your toenail fungus go away.

No matter what toenail fungus treatment cure you may decide to try, realize that it is considered a chronic condition. The term "chronic" describes problems which cannot be solved in a short time, or which will recur regardless of action. So if you really want a cure, you need to understand that it will take time.

Many well meaning people have posted their individual experiences and remedies for this condition on the Web. The problem is that all anyone has with this information is the posters own statements so we can't be certain their cure worked completely for them over a longer period of time. This doesn't mean however that we shouldn't consider this information only that we don't have any research evidence to confirm their solution actually worked for them and would work for you.

There are 3 basic groups of treatment options to deal with onychomycosis.

Prescriptions - Available from your podiatrist or medical doctor. These drugs have strong anti-fungal properties. Check with your insurance company as many will NOT cover the cost of these very expensive medications.

Foot soaking in a various chemicals is a favorite of the natural remedy group. A quick check on the Internet revealed nail fungus cure claims by soaking your infected foot several times a day in bleach or Listerine© or even Vinegar. A true natural, naturopathic type solution.

Putting something on the top of the toenail fungus is another favorite. From natural oils to spices right from your spice rack are all fair game for this type of remedy. Be aware that many products on the market today use the topical treatment and claim because you toenail looks better (due to the top covering) it's actually GETTING better.


How did you get nail fungus in the first place? The answer is that you probably picked it up from a public shower, locker room, public pool or other public wet area.

Toenail fungus remedies are the same as established medical professional solutions in that they all take time to work. Don't just assume that because your nail fungus doesn't look any different that the underlying infection isn't being destroyed. It will take weeks to grow out new nail material. New nail growth then grows out and replaces the old infected nail.

Many soaking toenail fungus remedies cures may be somewhat effective but few of us can successfully commit an hour or more daily for months. There's also the question of does any soaking solution actually work? There's little research and it's difficult to commit to several soakings daily to cure toe fungus without seeing faster results.

The problem with dealing with a fungal infection is that no matter what treatment you choose, it still takes time. This is because all TREATMENTS THAT ACTUALLY WORK target the fungus infection. By killing the infection your body can then grow new, healthy nail to replace the unsightly, discolored nail material.

Waiting until tomorrow means another day with toenail fungus. Check below for effective remedies that have been shown to work. The sooner you start treating the problem the fast you will regain pretty feet that you will be proud for anyone to see. The key is to START TODAY!

If you want to regain your pretty toenails before the next bathing suit and pool season, you need to get started now with the only product created using the most popular natural remedy methods in use today....FUNG-B-GONE

Abigail Franks has done extensive research into dealing with such matters as Toe Nail Fungus. Find out valuable information about dealing with Toenail Fungus [] using Toenail Fungus Treatment [] methods you can use at home.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Home Remedy For Toenail Fungus - Simple Remedy Tips

Due to the reasons that not only toenail fungus curing is quite difficult and delaying process, the mental setback associated with it also prompts many patient to go for home remedies instead of the regular medications. Fungus affects and resultant ugly nails and toes of fingers can result in your being looked down by others and in result you might suffer embarrassments no end.

What the toenail fungus is?

A relatively common condition that causes disfiguring and at times destruction of the nails is toenail fungus. Toenails of a person are more exposed to dark and damp environment and therefore fungus affect is common to them. Of course your hands and fingers can also suffer the fungus infection but the affect is normally on the toes and that is the reason of the fungus affect being known as toenail fungus. At the same time treating the toenail fungus is more difficult in comparison to the other types of nail fungus.

Understanding the causes of toenail fungus

Before you look for the home remedies for toenail fungus you should clearly appreciate the reasons for the toenail fungus. The fungus affects could result from the public gyms, swimming pools or places with more traffic. Athletes and others who wear tight fitting shoes and hosiery can also suffer from such toe nail fungus affects. Fungus affect will be evident from the abnormal PH level shown by the skin, poor hygiene of the foot and sometime fungus affect is caused due to lack of immune systems.

Detection is important

Since while using the home remedies you will not go for the doctor's advice, it is necessary that you detect the fungus and the extent of its affects. To detect it you should know the symptoms. Some of the common symptoms are swelling of nails, yellowing or thickening, varying colors of toenail, streaks or scratches down the side of the nail and even the complete loss of the nail.

Some natural home remedies for toenail fungus

Regularly washing your feet and drying them when they get wet can prevent fungus infection.
Nail polish can seal the nail and make the fungus grow. Hence avoid it.
Tea Tree Oil is excellent antifungal and antibacterial qualities making it identical for treatment of fungus.
Regular trimming and disinfecting the toenail always helps.
Trimming, filing and dissolving could be healthy practices to prevent fungus.
Use medicated nail polish for localized infections.
Remember that prevention is the best cure for the toenail fungus.
Both toenail fungus and athlete's foot fungi grows in warm and moist areas and therefore wearing sandals and water shoes and swimming booties could help prevent spread of fungus.
Pure cotton, wool, and the silk socks are the best wear since they absorb the moisture from the feet that occurs due to sweating. They also provide best ventilation.
Washing regularly and thoroughly drying the foot can prevent fungus spread. In the same vein removing dead skin and improving circulation will help.

Now you would possibly like to know which cure is most safe and a lot efficient, which is a good question. You can locate this advice on the link below this text.

Discover the Best Treatment for Toenail Fungus Today & Kill the Fungus in 2 Weeks.

Visit Now!

Dr. Eswararamanan VR is the author of this article. This article can be used on your website with all the links intact.

Yellow Toenails? No Problem - Steps to an Effective Toenail Fungus Cure

So why are you still putting up with your yellow toenails cause a toenail fungus. Is it because you're embarrassed, don't know what to do, busy or have you just not gotten around to it yet. Maybe this isn't the case at all maybe you have tried other home remedies for toe nail infections already in just had no success. Whenever the case may be there are steps that you can take to find an effective toenail fungus cure.

Getting rid of those yellow toenails, discolored toenails, black toenails, thick toenails or nail ridges can be a frustrating in strenuous process. However with the right combination of treatments we can get you fungus free before summer. The first thing you must understand is that water is now you're enemy. A favorite hiding place for fungus is in moist dark places, sound familiar? The reason that your toenail fungus developed initially is most likely due to your favorite pair of running shoes. Close toed shoes mixed with a little foot sweat make for a perfect breeding ground for nail fungus. So the first thing that we want to do in our quest for a toenail fungus cure is kicked off our shoes. Spend as much time as possible in your bare feet, allowing your nails to breathe will be an important part of your treatment. We can't get your yellow nails to go away without depriving the fungus of moisture.

Keep in mind that fungus can show itself in many different ways:

-Thick toenails

-Yellow toenails

-Black toenails

-Crumbling toenails

-Discolored toenails

-Split toenails

Can all be signs of a toenail fungus infection.

This second component of our one, two punch to knock out toenail problems is going to be a topical antifungal treatment. Because toenail fungus is hard to fight normally the antifungal treatment won't work alone so eliminate the moisture is a vital part of this prescription. But after we've gotten the moisture out of your life now we need to induce something to kill the fungus. You should look for a home toenail fungus remedy that is all natural, topical and has a 100% money back guarantee. This way you know what your using will be safe, effective and you'll have nothing to lose except your thick yellow toenails.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Simple Guide to Toenail Fungus Home Remedies

There are many people suffering with toe nail fungus that starts with a small cut on the toe nail or fingernail. Toenail fungus has a warm growth with moist environment. Though the nail fungus is a common ailment with many, it cannot be ignored after noticing the symptoms of infected nail. While there are many home remedies for toenail fungus cure, why should you unnecessarily dilute your mind from starting a quick remedial measure? Though there are many ways to cure nail infection, it is believed that toenail fungus home remedies are available for your choice.

What should you do first?

The best choice of home remedies to cure fungal toenail can be had by consulting a physician who can suggest you what should you do and also what you should not do to have a fast cure for your nail infection by home treatment. If you go on oscillating on your decision to start timely treatment for your affected toenail, you may lose chance to have a fast cure. If you ignore your condition you will be compelled to develop the fungal toenail. Consequently the nail becomes harder and more fragile. To avoid this, you may choose toenail fungus home remedies.

Why should you choose home remedies?

Some people may feel pain due to inflammation. Though the nail fungus is not life threatening, the ingrown toenail may damage the toenail resulting in ugly look with cramps. In such condition any treatment may require a long time for complete cure. If you choose home remedies to treat nail fungus you get chance to cure the fungal nail with least cost. Though some people have no faith in home remedies there are evidences that toenail fungus home remedies work well in many cases. So, you need not hesitate to start a simple home remedy treatment for your nail fungus in time.

What are the available treatments?

• Vinegar stands first in the treatment of toenail fungus. You have to simply soak your toenail affected foot for 20 to 30 minutes in vinegar solution. You can repeat this process two or three times a day until you notice a wonderful change in your fungal nail.

• Another choice is the tree tea tree oil which is easily available in home medical mart or even in general stores. If you rub the oil on the infected area, the fungus will be killed and you will be surprised to see a fast change.

If you feel sluggish to try natural home remedies use these essential oils for toenail fungus cure, you have some other sources with useful information for treatment with Listerine for toenail fungus AND Laser for toenail fungus for nail infection.

Varadharajan R is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article should be complete and active.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Toenail Fungus - Vicks - Can it Really Work?

Do you know that toenail fungus is one common problem of many people around the world? There are many people who are suffering form this toenail fungus. It causes embarrassment and inferiority for some. A person will not enjoy walking in public wearing stylish flip flops and sandals if he or she has toenail fungus. It can really be a cause of disappointment to a person who has this. It is nice to show your beautiful feet in many people without wearing socks and shoes. But, because you have toenail fungus, you would feel uncomfortable doing this. The worst condition that you might experience is when the infection caused bad odor already. Toenail fungal infection is something worth of your immediate action. Do not wait until you experience the worst condition.

Prevention is better than cure. If you have been seeing your nail getting dark or if it is showing colored patches, you should act quickly. Ask some people about possible solution that can really work for you.

If you have heard about essential oils such as oregano oil, olive and lavender oil as treatments or antiseptic mouthwash as one of the best solutions, you might be a little confused on which of them really works well for you. Aside from those home remedies, there is another solution for you using  Vicks. All of these are available in your home not make you confused but to give you more options on what to use best.

Vicks can work for you if you are thinking how to get rid of toenail fungus. Vicks is not only for treating cold infection but it can show great results for treating toenail fungus. You might think that this is weird but it's for you to find out. After all, there is no harm in trying. If you really want to get rid of your toenail fungus, you would try every possible ways available in your home.

Vicks has anti bacterial too. Aside from that, if you are trying to cure your toenail infection, using Vicks is one of the cheapest ways next to vinegar. It can cure and prevent the infection. Many people can attest about the wonderful treatment with Vicks.

Using toenail fungus Vicks treatment at the early stage or symptoms will show much better and effective results. Of course, Vicks cannot kill all the bacteria; this is why you have other options for curing toenail fungus aside from Vicks.

If you were not satisfied with the results after using Vicks or if it does not work on you, you can try other home remedies available in your own home. You can try antiseptic mouthwash and essential oils if you want. Laser treatment is another option but this is more expensive rather than using home remedies.

If you feel sluggish to use ointments or creams for toenail fungus treatment, you have other sources with useful information on Vinegar for toenail fungus AND Listerine for toenail fungus

Toenail Fungus - Is Vinegar an Effective Remedy?

Vinegar for toenail fungus? Can this work?

Toenail fungus can be a source of embarrassment and it can hit you when you least expect it. Speaking from my experience, the last thing I wanted to do was to go out of my apartment knowing that I had fungus-infected toenails.

Here are classic symptoms of toenail fungal infection that you should be aware of:

The earliest sign of infection will start with toenail discoloration. Your toenail will become yellowish. This can later turn to brown or black when left untreated.
Your affected toenail will be flaky. And not only that, it may also become brittle and thick.
As the infection aggravates, you will note a foul smell coming from the affected toenail. You can also experience extreme pain and itchiness resulting from the irritation caused by the fungus under your toenail.

If you are experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, then, its time for you take action to kill those toenail fungus. Vinegar treatment is said to be one of the most effective remedies for toenail infection. For toenail fungus, vinegar helps relieve the itchiness as well as restore the PH balance of the skin surrounding your toenail. This balanced pH is required to fight the fungi. In this way, vinegar stops the spread of the fungus from one toenail to another. The two most common types of vinegar used for toenail infection are apple cider vinegar and white vinegar.

For effective toenail fungus vinegar treatment, here are different ways that you can make use of this remedy:

In using apple cider vinegar, mix it with warm water in equal amounts. Soak your infected toenail or your whole feet for 15-30 minutes, three times a day in this solution.
Mix vinegar with three percent hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions. Soak your infected foot or toenail in this solution for about half an hour.
You can also apply a couple of drops of vinegar over the affected side, three times a day.

Recurrence is common with toenail fungus. Vinegar treatment may effectively ease your symptoms such as the itching and irritation, but it doesn't really kill the root cause - which is the fungi.

Trying the vinegar remedy for my toenail fungus has relieved some of the symptoms I felt. But, I found the permanent cure which kills the fungus permanently.


Check out the best natural remedy for toenail fungus [] RIGHT NOW! Take control and check out this effective solution and start walking again with healthy steps!

Click here [] to completely remove toenail fungus NATURALLY in less than 2 weeks

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

You Can Use Essential Oils For Toenail Fungus Treatment

As much as possible, we want to use home medicinal remedies for toenail fungus treatment first. Normally, we would seek for home remedies for toenail fungus before we would rely to our doctor's prescription. We believe that the most common and easy way to cure this kind of infection should be done at home first by some herbal medicine. Instead of using prescribed medicines which are expensive, we always turn to herbal treatment for toenail fungus. This way, we can be assured of a safe and effective way of nail fungus treatment.

Actually, we can use essential oils for toe nail infection. Oils have properties such as anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti viral needed for the prevention of fungi to increase. So, what are these essential oils that you can use for fungal infection? There are two types of essential oils that you can try. The first one is the tea tree oil which you can get from the extract of Melaleuca alternifolia leaves. Many researches say that it has an antiseptic and antifungal action that is why it can really solve your problem in treating your toenail fungus. Tea tree oil is a powerful anti fungal treatment. Its antiseptic solution can also treat other human body infections. It contains an element which has been found to have antiseptic and antifungal actions. This element is the one responsible in creating antimicrobial action for toe nail fungus treatment. Many people use tea tree oil for treating acne, vaginitis and athlete's foot. If you will observe, many brand of shampoos contain tea tree oil. The reason is because tea tree oil can treat dandruff also.

The second type of essential oil that you can use is the oregano oil. It is also an effective way to cure toenail fungus. The oil of oregano can reduce the pain and inflammation of the toenail fungus. Just like tea tree oil, oregano oil has antiseptic, antibacterial and anti parasitical elements that helps in treating and avoiding fungus.

Aside from tea tree oil and oregano oil, lavender oil is an essential oil that you can use for curing nail fungus. It has also an important healing property. This is the reason why it can be used as an alternative home remedies for toenail fungus as well. A fungal nail treatment can be more effective if lavender oil and tea tree oil will be mixed together. You can get half of the tea tree oil and another half of lavender oil mixed together. Apply the mixed essential oil in your infected toenail twice or even three times a day.

Another essential oil that is good for killing toenail fungus is the olive oil. It works wonderfully when mixed with the oregano oil. You can get a teaspoon of oregano oil and olive oil combine and apply to the infected toenail for two weeks. If you will use these two essential oils, make sure to use them not more than two weeks.

If you feel sluggish to use essential oils or creams for toenail fungus treatment, you have other sources with useful information on Vinegar for toenail fungus AND Listerine for toenail fungus.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Laser Treatment for Fungal Toenails - Podiatrist Toronto, ON

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Laser Therapy for Fungal Toenails – Podiatrist Toronto, ON

Sheldon Nadal Doctor of Podiatric Medicine discusses laser therapy for Fungal Toenails.

On August 26 2010 our  Toronto podiatry office introduced in Canada, laser treatment for toenail fungus or onychomycosis using a 1320 nm YAG laser .

A preliminary study performed in Roseville California indicates that up to 75-80% of patients with mild to moderate onychomycosis or fungal toenails will experience a significant improvement following treatment.

The laser is an alternative to topical medications such as Pen Lac, which has limited efficacy, and anti-fungal pills such as Lamisil or Terbinifine, which have associated side effects.

With our laser, there is usually very little discomfort, anaesthetic is unnecessary and you may walk and resume normal activities immediately.

Currently, several lasers are being marketed to Toronto Ontario podiatrists for the treatment of fungal toenails. They include the CoolBreeze or CoolTouch Laser by NuStar lasers, the Pinpoint or Pinpointe laser by Patholase and the Genesis laser by Cutera. Other lasers for nail fungus include the Q-Clear laser and the Fotona laser

Please call our Toronto foot clinic at 416-486-9917 today to find out how we can help you with your toe nails.

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Natural Remedy For Nail Fungus

Nail fungus is a microscopic infection that happens underneath toe nails nail_fungusafter they are frequently exposed to heat, moist environments, such as sweaty hiking boots and trail sneakers.

It isn’t something to become proud of, for being properly straightforward it’s embarrassing. Every time, you head over to shake someone’s hand. You will invest lots of your time hoping to cover it up hoping that nobody notices it. Virtually, all the time you will constantly subconsciously be hoping to hide it.

You might rapidly turn into a social outcast. You will have to believe two times about sporting open sneakers and going to the beach. Whether or not people usually do not are aware that you might have the nail fungus, the mere sight of one’s nails could scare them away.

Hiding nails with fungus is really a frequent reaction. It truly is all far too frequent to try and wear brighter polish or use restricted sneakers to mask the issue.

These aren’t superb options. Besides not solving the deeper difficulty, these short-term remedies can also make your problem a good deal worse.

Fungi nails really like moist and warm areas that are away from sunlight and air. This implies wearing cover polish and restricted sneakers can only advertise much more warmth and moisture. This can be the cause why it’s widespread in toe nails. Finger nails might also suffer from fungus but not approximately toe. That is just because we frequently maintain our toes tightly wrapped or concealed.

You shouldn’t have to be embarrassed above your fingers or toes any more. No one needs nails, which is brittle, yellow and damn proper disgusting. You should never ever neglect the hygiene of the palms and feet.

The challenge is rampant and does not discriminate in a choice of its subsequent host. Although contagious, it’s comforting to understand that building a nail fungus infected fingers is just not essentially a reflection of our cleanliness. You ought to now that it’s a contagious infection caused by many members with the dermatophyte household.

Nail fungus is a common issue affecting numerous folks all through the planet. This uncomfortable problem could cause a host of difficulties. However, there are a few diverse normal techniques of therapies that will help you regain your nail well being.

The first all-natural remedy that you could need to try is alternating nail baths in answers of diluted vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. This support market healthful fingers by attacking the fungus and aiding to destroy it just before it can do any additional hurt. You may have to try this some instance the nail is saturated adequate to eliminate the infection.

One more natural remedy that you simply might wish to try out is really a fifty percent and half solution of Vaseline and tea tree oil.

Through the use of a combination of tea tree oil and lavender oil, be sure to spread it on and across the nail bed with the infected region. This will not work as rapidly as medication, but at the very least you won’t should worry about any side impact. Furthermore,, you may wish to attempt a fungus remover solution which has been verified to perform.

Another organic therapy is soaking toes in apple cider vinegar two times every day for twenty minutes every time for your previous ten days. Right after the soak, rinse totally, towel dry and apply hydrogen peroxide enabling it to air dry. You’ll recognize an excellent improvement.

Certainly, one of your greatest assets for details pertaining to treat toenail fungus is obtainable for you personally with the following hyperlink.

Zetaclear is one of the best nail fungus therapy within the market today.

Investigation has demonstrated that it is a highly effective remedy for adult males and ladies, and even for elderly and kids.

There exists no should experience from very low self-esteem simply because your nails do no seem wonderful. There is certainly a thing you can do about this.

To examine a comprehensive critique on Zetaclear go to this web site: Nail fungus remedy

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