Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Toenail Fungus - Is Vinegar an Effective Remedy?

Vinegar for toenail fungus? Can this work?

Toenail fungus can be a source of embarrassment and it can hit you when you least expect it. Speaking from my experience, the last thing I wanted to do was to go out of my apartment knowing that I had fungus-infected toenails.

Here are classic symptoms of toenail fungal infection that you should be aware of:

The earliest sign of infection will start with toenail discoloration. Your toenail will become yellowish. This can later turn to brown or black when left untreated.
Your affected toenail will be flaky. And not only that, it may also become brittle and thick.
As the infection aggravates, you will note a foul smell coming from the affected toenail. You can also experience extreme pain and itchiness resulting from the irritation caused by the fungus under your toenail.

If you are experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, then, its time for you take action to kill those toenail fungus. Vinegar treatment is said to be one of the most effective remedies for toenail infection. For toenail fungus, vinegar helps relieve the itchiness as well as restore the PH balance of the skin surrounding your toenail. This balanced pH is required to fight the fungi. In this way, vinegar stops the spread of the fungus from one toenail to another. The two most common types of vinegar used for toenail infection are apple cider vinegar and white vinegar.

For effective toenail fungus vinegar treatment, here are different ways that you can make use of this remedy:

In using apple cider vinegar, mix it with warm water in equal amounts. Soak your infected toenail or your whole feet for 15-30 minutes, three times a day in this solution.
Mix vinegar with three percent hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions. Soak your infected foot or toenail in this solution for about half an hour.
You can also apply a couple of drops of vinegar over the affected side, three times a day.

Recurrence is common with toenail fungus. Vinegar treatment may effectively ease your symptoms such as the itching and irritation, but it doesn't really kill the root cause - which is the fungi.

Trying the vinegar remedy for my toenail fungus has relieved some of the symptoms I felt. But, I found the permanent cure which kills the fungus permanently.


Check out the best natural remedy for toenail fungus [] RIGHT NOW! Take control and check out this effective solution and start walking again with healthy steps!

Click here [] to completely remove toenail fungus NATURALLY in less than 2 weeks

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