Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Discolored Nails and Toenail Pain - Toenail Fungus Treatment and Prevention

It is not hard to detect toenail fungus at its onset because the particular infection comes with very noticeable symptoms. The first thing that you will notice after acquiring toenail fungus is the appearance of white spots under the tip of your toenails. The infection then spreads gradually throughout the whole nail area until it covers the entire toenail.

In the latter stages of the disease, distortion of the toenails may also occur and the nails may also become brittle. As a result of the distortion of the nails, the surrounding area may become irritated and the patient may feel some toenail pain and discomfort especially when moving the toenails or during activities such as walking or running. The nails will also thicken as a result of the over production of keratin to replace the ones eaten by the fungus responsible for the infection. Though the symptoms of toenail fungus are quite unmistakable, it is still advisable to go to a doctor once you notice these changes in your toenails to get a proper diagnosis.

Toenail fungus which is known scientifically as onychomycosis is caused by a type of fungus known as dermatophytes. This type of fungus thrive in warm and damp areas. Public places that are constantly wet such as public bathrooms and swimming pools are believed to be one of the most common places where dermatophytes are caught. This is the reason why it is not advisable to walk barefoot while in these places.

It is important that onychomycosis be treated immediately once its symptoms appear. This is is because the infection is very hard to treat once it reaches its advanced stages. During the initial stages of toenail fungus, the disease is still responsive to common home remedies that are effective in eliminating fungi. These home remedies include vinegar, tea tree oil, Listerine and Epsom salt. Consult your doctor first before you try to use any kind of medications to treat your toenail fungus.

Some people don't take toenail fungus seriously and considers it as just a common fungal infection that can be easily treated. When left untreated, toenail fungus can lead to more serious complications and could result to permanent damage to the toenails. This is the reason why you should not ignore onychomycosis symptoms when you notice them. So if you notice a slight discoloration and distortion of your nails and if you begin to feel some toenail pain, immediately consult a doctor.

If your interested in finding some easy and safe cures for your fungus I found this great resource that goes over the different types of toenail fungus treatment people use. You'll be surprised by some of the treatments that are out there.

Make sure you do your homework before treating fungus because without the right method the stuff can be quite tricky. It took about two months for me effectively start treating my nails and years of trial and error to find the cure. I ended up using a toenail fungus treatment listed on that site and I couldn't have been happier with the results.


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