Saturday, November 17, 2012

Can One Use Toenail Fungus Home Remedies For Curing It?

Infections caused by micro organisms cause toenail fungus. It is also known as Onychomycosis that is one type of fungi that grow in warm and moist areas or the fingernail or toenail. With the growth of the fungi the toenail becomes harder as well as brittle and often lead to its discoloration. Ordinarily the fungus is not painful in the initial stages. However prolonged existence and increase in severity can cause a lot of difficulties for you.

Some precautions to prevent the spread of toenail fungus

More often than not the toenail fungus is the result of break of the nail, multiple cuts or bruises in the skin as well as damp shoes and socks. In result the toenail becomes flaked and chipped since it becomes brittle. It is therefore best to keep your toes dry and not use wet socks and shoes as far as practicable. Washing the toes well, if possible with some disinfectants, after visiting public places will also reduce the toenail fungus affects. Such precautions will also prevent your toes from emitting bad smells that is the hall mark of the toenail fungus.

Some useful home remedies that work to eliminate toenail fungus

Some of the best use of home remedies for toenail fungus is: -

Tea tree oil is one of the best anti septic element and is great for treating toenail fungus. If you dip cotton ball in it and rub your toes at least twice a day, once during the morning and the other time while going to bed, the results could be very good.
Another element that could work very well for toenail fungus treatment is the Listerine mouthwash. You can soak your toes in mouthwash for about twenty minutes and the medicinal component in Listerine will at least prevent any further fungus growth. It will be better if the application can be made twice a day.
A third home remedy for toenail fungus is the combination of warm water with apple cider vinegar. Soaking your feet for around 15 to 20 minutes in it can help you immensely. After this you can dry your toenails thoroughly and again apply the same a second time during evening.
Effectiveness of tea tree oil could be enhanced by adding lavender oil to it. The way of treatment is the same. Soak cotton ball in the mixture and wipe the toe nail at least three times a day. The result would be reduction of fungus infection on toenails. Proportions of lavender oil and tea tree oil should be equal normally.
Combination of water and vinegar for soaking your fungus affected toes in it will be good. Equally good is rubbing the affected part with alcohol. Both treatments will continue for around twenty minutes.
Hydrogen peroxide and water mixed in proportion of 3:97 would be very good for soaking your affected toenail and getting rid of the toenail fungus. Around 15 minutes of application can do a world of good for curing the toenail fungus.
Use pro-biotics food like yogurt and kefir in diet. You can also apply turmeric powder and water pastes, rub onion slices, or use red pepper paste on affected parts to eliminate fungus.

Now you would possibly like to know which cure is most safe and a lot efficient, which is a good question. You can locate this advice on the link below this text.

Discover the Best Treatment for Toenail Fungus Today & Kill the Fungus in 2 Weeks.

Visit Now!

Dr. Eswararamanan VR is the author of this article. This article can be used on your website with all the links intact.

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