Saturday, November 3, 2012

Problems With Nail Infections

Nail infections are more common than anyone may think. It all depends on their fungus and manifestation which may have different signs and symptoms.Its also possible that more than one nail may be infected which is called onychomycosis. Generally if your nails are distorted in shape,dull with no shine,brittle,thickened and also may  be dark caused by debris building up under your nail.

In some cases you may feel pain in your toes and fingertips and may also have a foul odor from them. Once a nail infection begins it can persist if it goes untreated and the likeliness of having a more difficult healing and cure time is more likely. The first sign of a nail infection or problems could be a white or yellow spot under the nail.The common risk factors for nail infections are age bad circulation and nails get thicker as we get older making them more susceptible to infection.

Nail infections tend to be a problem for men more than women and especially those with a history of infections.There are other factors that  may cause infections such as working in a humid environment, walking barefoot in damp places and especially near swimming pools,having a minor skin or nail injury,wearing shoes and socks that stop or hinder ventilation, perspiring heavily, and of course having diabetes is a big factor too.Fungal infections of the nail is a very serious health risk to those with diabetes or anyone with a low immune system, such as people with aids or organ transplants.

Nail infections are very painful and very uncomfortable and may cause permanent damage to your nails.It may also spread beyond your feet.Poor circulation due to diabetes the nerve supply to your feet may become impaired and you are more likely to have cellulitis, a potentially serious bacterial skin infection.Any minor injuries to your feet including nail infections may lead to more serious health problems which need immediate treatment.Its advisable to see your doctor as soon as possible.In some cases depending on how severe the nail infection is you may be referred to see a specialist.One who specializes in foot conditions known as a podiatrist.

When you see the doctor or specialist it is always a good idea to have a list written down with your symptoms, how you are feeling in your life, stress levels and also whatever types of vitamins and supplements you may be taking at the time and if you have tried to cure the infection yourself with certain products. Ask your doctor any questions you may have on your mind and find out as much as you can while you are in his office and maybe websites to browse or leaflets with information for you to read at home in your own time when you are relaxed in your own home. Getting your nail infection examined is the first step to the healing process which may take some time

I am a 54 year old confirmed bachelor who is relatively new to the internet and blogging in particular. I look forward to having a long and prosperous career in internet marketing and think I will be a good writer since my mother was a creative writing instructor and I even Had her for a teacher for two years.

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